Health & Wellness
Holistic Nutritionist

Imogene Tyrrell
Registered Holistic Nutritionist
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“Eat well for optimum health”
As a holistic nutritionist I focus on whole foods and the whole person; mind and body.
I recommend natural foods and lifestyle changes to help you reach your goals.
I will work with you to develop a personalized meal plan that will fit your lifestyle
appeal to your tastes while providing the necessary nutrients to meet your needs.
Here a just a few areas in which nutritional counseling can help;
~ Blood sugar management
~ Sport and Exercise Nutrition
~ Food intolerance
~ Stress and Anxiety
~ Skin sensitivities
~ Weight management
And more…
I will be pleased to answer any of your questions!
~ ~ ~
* Receipt for Insurance Available *

Shiatsu 指圧 is a manual therapy developed in Japan through a synthesis of Eastern and Western medical concepts, uses mankind’s most ancient medical tools, the human hand and the human heart to treat the patient using a holistic approach that stimulates the body’s own natural self-healing powers to correct imbalances and effect a cure from within.
Shiatsu therapists can detect variations subtle responses in the person’s condition and then apply pressure on the Shiatsu points. Those pressures have a deep effect on the inner body so it can improve physical and mental well being. Shiatsu therapy is based on a spirit of kindness and compassion.
The following are examples of conditions which can be improved and/or prevented by Shiatsu :
Arthritic pains / Asthma / Backache / Lumbago / Blood pressure / Irregular pulse / Bursitis / Soft tissue injuries
Sports injuries / Insomnia / Menopause / Muscular pain or stiffness / Muscular spasms / Neck pains / Constipation / Diabetes mellitus
Digestive problems / Feeling of cold / Chills / Frozen shoulder / Headaches and migraines / Infertility / Pregnancy / Morning sickness
Premenstrual syndrome / Sciatica / Stroke recovery / Tension from fatigue / Tension from stress / Whiplash
From the beginning to the end of a Shiatsu treatment, pressure is applied by the Shiatsu therapist's thumbs, fingers and palms. The strength used, and the length of time pressure is held by your Shiatsu therapist will be varied according to the condition of each area of your body.
Thin clothing such as T-shirts and pants to wear during the treatment (Clothes should be made of cotton rather than synthetics).
Relax and empty your mind. If you can breathe out as your Shiatsu therapist applies pressure that makes Shiatsu more effective. ENJOY YOUR TREATMENT!
* Vitalizing your skin - Shiatsu helps maintain a younger, healthier skin
* Limbering your muscles - Shiatsu helps in preventing injuries and motion limitations.
* Stimulation and circulation of body fluids - Shiatsu detoxifies, activates cells and supports the immune system.
* Regulating your neural functions - Shiatsu helps in balancing the autonomic nerve system and builds a strong body to manage stress.
* Controlling your endocrine system - Shiatsu helps in regulating hormonal balances and normalizes organ function.
* Balancing your skeletal system - Shiatsu helps in maintaining good posture and increases range of motion.
* Conditioning your digestive system - Shiatsu enhances digestion/absorption by increasing blood circulation.
Q. Is Shiatsu covered by Insurance?
A. Some private insurers do offer coverage for shiatsu. We suggest that a claimant check with their private insurance plan or extended health care coverage first to see if they offer this coverage.
Q. Is Shiatsu painful?
A. Shiatsu therapists apply a comfortable pressure according to each client's condition. Even though same amount of pressure is applied, the knotted areas are sometimes feel pain, or insensitive. Some clients call it "comfortable-pain" (between comfortable & pain).
Therapists aim is to apply a pressure just before you feel any pain and provide a relaxing Shiatsu.
Q. Is Shiatsu a deep tissue massage?
A. No. Shiatsu and deep tissue massage are different type of manual therapies. Here are some differences: Shiatsu uses only hands and fingers, and is mainly applied with a perpendicular pressure toward the muscles, which tends to prevent hurting the muscle fibers and internal tissues. Deep tissue massage on the other hand uses elbows, forearms, knuckles as well as hands and is mainly applied by a stroking technique with an oil.
Both approach deep muscles to relieve tension but by different methods.
Q. Can I wear clothes during a Shiatsu session?
A. Yes, because Shiatsu doesn't use any massage oil. We recommend you to wear comfortable clothes with a thin material.
We can also give Shiatsu treatment on skin or on top of the sheet.
Q. Does Shiatsu use needles or any others tools?
A. No. Shiatsu is used by only hands and fingers.
There are no needles, oil, moxibustion or cupping therapy tools used.
Q. How often can I have a Shiatsu treatment?
A. Shiatsu benefits each person differently, depending on their condition when they are treated, as well as their pre-existing medical and hereditary conditions. For general health maintenance, patients are advised to have a treatment with a Shiatsu therapist as often as once a week or at least once every three weeks.
Most patients say they feel physically lighter, looser in their muscles and more mentally at ease after a Shiatsu treatment.

Master Yutaka Toyoda
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